

GirlStyle 女生日常 provides you with a series of beauty tips, must-buy skin care brand recommendations, fashion trend, hair and nails, fashion lifestyle and hot issues, healthy slimming strategies and other hot topics for girls. GirlStyle 女生日常, belongs to the PressLogic...

Established in year 2000, is a leading online platform and has established authority in Hong Kong’s beauty and fashion industry with our pool of targeted female members, bringing them the most on-trend and relevant content, abiding to its...

Little Steps Asia

Founded in 2008, Little Steps Asia is a regional digital company focused on educating, inspiring and connecting families in Asia. Active in 6 local cities (HK, SG, JKT, KL, MO), we focus our content efforts on what parents want and...
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WSJ: How Google Turned a 90-Year-Old Train Terminal Into Its New $2.1B Office

Google’s newest office in Manhattan is actually almost a hundred years old. It was built inside of and on...
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